
  • Canonical Bridge The canonical bridge is at the following URL: The bridge is available for both deposits and withdrawals. For Zircuit deposits, you can also directly transfer ETH to 0x386B76D9cA5F5Fb150B6BFB35CF5379B22B26dd8. Do not transfer ERC20 tokens or any tokens other that native ETH to this address. Smart contract method calls need to be used for such assets. A direct transfer will result in these tokens getting stuck in the canonical bridge smart contract.

  • LayerZero LayerZero is a protocol that utilizes Omnichain Fungible Token (OFT) standard for asset transfers. You can find more details in the LayerZero Documentation and in the Deployed Contracts section.

  • Hyperlane Hyperlane is a universal and permissionless interoperability layer that allows developers to build interchain applications. You can find more details in the Hyperlane Documentation and in the Contract Addresses section.